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A knowledge platform fuelled by data & AI

A connected company is built on collective intelligence – and that's what we provide: access to information about who knows what, what assets can be utilised and what knowledge already exists. Data&AI puts it all at your fingertips.
Knowledge extracted from tools you already use

Skills profiles built from the public digital footprint

We extract data from your public discussions, the docs you work on & the projects you’re involved in to predict which topics you know most about. We can then automatically generate skills profiles, without relying on manual documentation. So you can always discover who knows what.
From reactive search to proactive recommendations

Machines do the dirty work. You do your best work.
Data and AI are deployed at every stage throughout the platform to remove manual work and give you quicker access to the knowledge you need to do your best work. No more asking the same questions again and again!

Knowledge structured for easy use


The Challenge
Size doesn’t slow companies down, disconnection does
As companies grow in size, they also grow in complexity and work gets divided into functional silos. Leaders are separated from frontline workers, clients, customers, and communication starts to break down. The true problem here isn’t size, it’s disconnection. The solution? A Connected Company, where data and AI build bridges between all the leaders, workers, clients, and markets.

The Process
Understanding the key disconnections by using user-centric methods
We conducted user research to better understand the disconnections slowing us down. The biggest disconnection was between knowledge and employees.
Every employee, regardless of their role, spent hours finding knowledge to help them in their daily tasks. And much of what they found was suboptimal. Opportunities to build on existing knowledge kept being missed. Mistakes were repeated. The wheel was being reinvented. And an increasing proportion of time was spent on managing the whole information flow.
Our problem worth solving: how can we efficiently connect our people with the knowledge they need to do their best work?
All previous attempts at creating a knowledge base had slowly but surely fallen out of use. People never kept up with the manual work of documenting and maintaining knowledge. So we needed to rethink how knowledge is captured and distributed.
We started experimenting with data & AI as the solution - to create a connected knowledge platform without relying on people to manually build and maintain it. This led us to several concept tests of our possible directions, giving rise to the idea of Futucortex - a connected knowledge platform.
The Impact
A Connected Company, that is more data-informed, efficient & productive
A connected knowledge platform means each employee has the capability to build on the collective intelligence. Knowledge can travel across teams and silos, from one corner of the organization to another.
This saves time spent searching for information, answering questions and manually documenting knowledge. Most importantly, though, it enables context, perspectives and ideas to collide on a whole new scale.
We better leverage our best assets and continuously lay the foundations for new innovations. That means reacting faster and more effectively to the needs of our people and clients.
We’re now deploying FutuCortex for our clients and learning how to integrate into the flow of different processes & toolsets. Our goal is to re-imagine knowledge work by creating new Connected Companies across the globe.
We automatically identify and extract valuable knowledge from the tools you already use, so your knowledge base can be populated and kept up to date with a fraction of the manual effort today's leading tools require.
We extract metadata from each document and then map the relationships between people and knowledge, so we can proactively recommend relevant knowledge. The useful knowledge comes to you, without having to search for it.
We automatically identify and extract valuable knowledge from the tools you already use, so your knowledge base can be populated and kept up to date with a fraction of the manual effort today's leading tools require.